Monday, November 25, 2013

Big Bang Buzzcast Episode 39: The Thanksgiving Decoupling

Zack is back! Here are some highlights of this week's podcast:
  • We have a press release and promo pics for The Discovery Dissipation (7x10)
  • Episode 7x11 will be The Cooper Extraction - will we be seeing a Cooper other than Sheldon?
  • Analyzing a holiday set photo tweeted by Kaley
  • Our discussion of the episode includes cow tipping knowledge from Nicole, pointing out continuity failure with Sheldon's dad, and a lot of love for Zack
Download here
Running time: 39:28, 18.1 MB


  1. The Leonard Penny kiss was the 50th on screen kiss?
    Who counted? Where did you find this information? :)

    1. We went through and made a list of their kisses. It was actually a friend of ours that did it. I'd had a list of them through the S6 finale when I ran a "favorite kiss" poll over the summer, so she added to that with the new season.
