Big Bang Buzzcast

We started our Big Bang Theory podcast in February 2013, and since then have released weekly episodes discussing either the latest episode of Big Bang Theory, or other topics related to the show.

You can find all of our episodes on the site using the podcast tag, and can also subscribe and listen to us on iTunes and Stitcher.

If you have any questions / comments / topic suggestions / anything, you can either leave them as comments on any podcast entry, email them to us (, or give us a shout on twitter!


  1. Not sure how you feel about it or whether others have commented on it, but I'm not pleased with how they're making Penny extremely stupid in the last couple of episodes. It was nice to see her progress over the years, but this has been a big step backwards for her. Anyway to reach the writers and get her back on track?

  2. I agree. With the episode on 5/3/2013, it was funny, but Penny needs to go back to being a little bit smarter than that. No need to make her dumb on a Zach level.

  3. I haven't talked to Roxanne about this answer yet, but it didn't really bother me all that much, especially since I've read on Twitter and on forums that many people - some college graduates - didn't know how those specific experiments worked. I, for one, have college education and didn't know about the potato clock. I found Penny in this past episode funny and in character, and I didn't think, given the specific subject matter, she was taking a step backward.

  4. Given sufficient potatoes, temperature and pressure, you can create a black hole.

  5. My guess about the new script: The Marriage Ultimatum. I honestly can't even think of any other possible titles based on what was under the pencil.
    ( I don't like using twitter..)

  6. Geezus, am listening to the podcast about the 9th season finale. What a shitty podcast. Do either of you do any preparation prior to the show? Plan what to say? This will be the first and last episode I listen to you. Can anybody get a podcast distributed by iTunes? How many downloads do you get? Twenty?

  7. Would love to know where to buy the items and furniture in Howard and Bernadette's remodeled kitchen.

  8. Thank you for all the time and effort that you put into this podcast, it's been a pleasure listening to it.

  9. I got to say that you two ladies are hella dedicated when it comes to this show and everything that goes into it! I've been reading your works on - I am a big fan - and when I found out that you guys have a fan-made podcast that is still active to this day - I had to see what it's all about.

    Honestly, I was always interested in TBBT, but I'm the worst when it comes to keeping track of TV shows so I'm only now going to get properly into it! I plan on watching the whole series with my mom - who has also always been interested in the show but only a couple of episodes here & there as well - and we're reading Radloff's book, which has only made us more appreciative of the work and process that has gone into making this wonderful show.

    Can't wait to start adding in your podcasts more so now that you guys are re-watching the series again!
