Wednesday, September 12, 2012

6x04 - The Re-Entry Minimisation

Episode four of the season was taped last night, and you can read a brief summary of it here!

I have a ticket for next week, so you can expect a full report from me for episode five.


  1. Thanks for the link! I'm looking forward to your taping report next week!

  2. I noticed in this report the person made a point to mention that Jim Parsons was the only cast member "not to acknowledge the audience". What do you think is up with that?

    1. I wouldn't think much of it. Sometimes Jim acknowledges the audience, sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes the other cast members do, sometimes they don't. It does seem to be something new this season that Johnny and Kaley are making an effort to stop and talk to the audience every week, but I don't think that should necessarily reflect poorly on Jim because he doesn't.

  3. Looking forward to next week's report! :)

  4. I miss your reports, they are so complete...and believe or not they make me wish the gag reels of DVDs were better. For instance, on the one from season five I´d LOVE if it include how Jim spanked Mayim as they were playing doctor in "Star Trek Style"...but it doesn´t :(

  5. It´s a taping report very short! but thank you!I hope see more!
    (Sorry for the enlgish, I´m from Spain.)
    You blog is nice!

    1. Perhaps Roxanne cn share some pointers in how to keep it all straight.

      Being a reporter is tough.
      A court type reporter is tougher.

      One with discriminating fans with expectations is likely the hardest
