Saturday, September 9, 2017

Big Bang Buzzcast Episode 140: The Recollection Dissipation

Thanks to everyone for your continued patience! We continue our season 10 discussion, and get a little confused in the end as we mix up a couple episodes... Enjoy and laugh at us.
  • The new season starts soon, and there's a promo for the first episode!
  • Where does Amy work? Is she Catholic? Are we bad Amy fans? Is there really a county bar on Colorado Blvd? What is Bob Evans? Will we end up on Judge Judy? All this and more in our episode discussion!
Download here
Running time: 42:14, 19.4 MB

1 comment:

  1. Hi ladies, just wanted to mention that Amy works at Caltech! We know that she and Sheldon share the same co-workers (like Burt) and she freaked out when everyone at Caltech was talking about their sex lives. It was mentioned that she was working at Caltech for a temporary project back in season 7 but I guess somehow that became permanent.
